About KeraLink International
We envision a world where cutting-edge, affordable solutions reach every corner of the globe to reduce corneal blindness, ensuring healthcare is not determined by the circumstances of our birth. By uniting clinicians, technology innovators, governmental and non-governmental organizations, social entrepreneurs, and donors, we aim to make this vision a reality, making comprehensive cornea care accessible and sustainable for all.
Our Mission
Helping Where Needed
Having transformed the landscape of corneal treatment in the U.S., KeraLink International has pivoted its expertise globally.
Original U.S. Mission: Complete
Today We Aim To Help LMICs: Starting in India
In India, reports show an estimated 7 million people have corneal blindness in at least one eye. We want to start here.
Our Vision
We Envision a World Where No One Needs to be Blind Due to Corneal Disease or Injury/Preventable Blindness
Our History
KLI was founded as the Medical Eye Bank of Maryland.
KLI became Tissue Banks International and assisted in opening 48 eye banks in 24 countries. KLI became the world’s largest ocular tissue supplier.
Mission accomplished: KLI helped eliminate waiting lists for cornea transplants in the US, effectively eradicating untreated corneal blindness in the U.S.
KLI realized that what worked in high-income countries to eradicate corneal blindness would not work in LMICs.
KLI sold its eye banks to focus solely on harnessing the power of new and emerging technologies to eradicate corneal blindness globally in ways not possible before.
KLI launched Pantheon Vision to develop bioengineered corneal implants for use in LMICs and other countries to reduce reliance on human donor tissue.
Today, KLI is the only organization bringing clinicians, technology innovators, healthcare providers, philanthropists, and investors into a coordinated, collaborative effort to eradicate corneal blindness in LMICs.
Corneal blindness is preventable, treatable, and reversible.
No one needs to be blind due to corneal disease or injury.
However, treatment and care for corneal diseases and injuries are often inaccessible or unaffordable in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).